
Done with shopping

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2015
The caption says it all.. I´m done with shopping. Out of space, out of money and out of purpose for new things. Buying extra suitcases & thinking about what to leave behind is the next step now. I don´t think I´ve been shopping as much as in the last months ever in my life. So here is my last Summer Haul from the US, as  you can see I love when VS has a sale;-)) Oh and props to our hostdads for being amazing models! Our video is currently uploading so stay posted!!

1 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Ich will auch umbedingt mal in Amerika shoppen :3

Liebe Grüße <3
Von http://thislifeisprettyamazing.blogspot.de/?m=1

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